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Time to present... MT training!

Aug 28, 2020 - Line Vergauwen

Every difficulty provides another opportunity!

So that's why in the past difficult months, we started looking for a solution in order to continue to help you, our customers, as good and as safe as we can. Therefore we are very proud to present you our brand new office and training centre at Brucargo!

We have taken up residence in building 749, where we can also accommodate 20 participants in our classroom. Of course, we take into account all necessary measurements to make our training sessions as safe as possible and have also decided to only allow 8 participants per session. The next upcoming weeks we will finish the last details and as from September 7th, 2020 we can start our very first training at our location.

For the moment our offer is restricted to Air Cargo Security - Employee according to (EU) 2015/1998 and Air cargo Security - Awareness according to 11.2.7 (EU) 2015/1998 but we are working hard to expand our offer in the very near future. Obviously, we will keep you posted on new updates as soon as available!


We are looking forward to seeing you in one of our training sessions or just for a cup of coffee and a small tour in our new office.

Healthy greetings from your MT-team,

Michael, Line & Johan

Check our training dates for 2020!

Air Cargo Security - Awareness


Air Cargo Security - Employee

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